

6th day, 10:17pm of November 2021 thoughts lingers

    I am here sitting writing this article and asking questions to myself, why are we experiencing heavy problems? why are people dying without seeing their loved ones? why are people who committed crimes lived? why are people who tell lies wanted to seek truth? why aren't we love by the person we loved the most? and why we are alive if we are just here to suffer. Is life unfair? Is this life? or is this just a cycle of joke, we met someone, we adore someone, we smile to someone, we become close to someone, become happy with someone, then problems are coming leading to sadness, tears, loneliness and hatred? Are we joking our own lives? Allowing people to enter our lives then end up destroying everything? destroying our own selves.

    Yes! that's life, mistakes happen, and we learned from it, that's the lingua franca of life. Then here comes the main idea of it, what if we break the language of life? what if we break the cycle, what if we don't let someone enter our lives? what if before we get broken and forgotten, we will take the first step, and ignore everything, (don't tell me the quote "no man is an island"). My exact point is sometimes is better to be alone, it is better to build your walls, and it is better to keep your silence.

    As for my personal experiences, when I was at my younger teenage age, I really want to socialize with someone, gathered with friends, have parties with families, meet strangers, talk to nobody, travel, living the life, living the moments, and gaining social experiences. Well I didn't have any regrets about it, but after all of it. All you can say as you aged you gain maturity, and  as you aged you limit people in your life, you choose your circle very careful, you only let a few in within your walls, a few but true. Simply saying, private life is a much happier and convenient life, a simple life is a light feeling to yourself as well as your perspective to others and lastly we can say that happiness is the new richness.

6th day, 10:45pm of November 2021 end of thoughts

Behind every successful man

    A group of tourists visited a Crocodile Farm and was on a floating structure in the middle of a pool with many huge crocodiles. The owner of the Crocodile Farm threw a challenge to his guests: "Whoever dares to jump in, swim to the edge and survive, will be rewarded with 1 million worth of money". The silence was deafening. . . "No one dares to move". 

    Suddenly, a man jumped into the pool. . . He was chased by the crocodiles. . . but with luck, he eventually made it out of the pool, to the admiration of the other guests. The owner of the Crocodile Farm announced. . . "We have a brave winner" After collecting his reward and all was over, the couple went back to their hotel room. The "brave man" asked his wife. . . "I did not jump in . . . someone pushed me ?!" His wife smiled and coolly said, "It's me you idiot" So now you know. "Behind every successful man, is a woman that pushes him".


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